Saturday, May 1, 2010

This is Ridiculous

This is the kind of thing that raises my blood pressure.  Jury acquits accused rapist based on her tight jeans.  They said that there is no way he could have got her pants off without her help.  Its not the first time a rapist has walked away from his crime using the "skinny jeans defense".  Its obviously bullshit.  Its another case of a woman being blamed for her own rape, for "asking for it" or agreeing to it.  Why would she report it as a crime and go through the humiliation and hassle is it was consensual?  Most likely she wouldn't.  I am not saying that there has never been a woman who falsely accused a man - but its the exception NOT the rule.


Jessica Sideways said...

This is seriously fucked up and it needs to stop.

T. said...

Absurd and wrong. People have way too many assumptions and misinformation about how a sexual assault is committed. I find it hard to fathom that the jury couldn't get it through their heads that all the rapist had to do was remove that woman's pants *just enough* to attack her. How tight they were or what she was wearing is irrelevant for pete's sake.

Bar L. said...

Jessica, well said and to the point, I agree completely. What do you think solutions are? It seems to be getting worse not better.

Bar L. said...


You're right. How frightening is it to be know that this is the type of people we have on our juries? It doesn't leave me very confident in justice.

Aaron aka Frank said...

Pedophiles will try anything to get away with their crimes. Anything to cast doubt on their victim.