Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Example of Never Leaving Your Child With Someone You Don't Trust 100%

Michael Grzybowicz
Michael Grzybowicz

Man raped Toddler at Sea World, Orlando

Its a very sad story made even sadder because it happens so often.  A woman, her 2 year old daughter, and her boyfriend, along with another male "friend" are at Sea World.  The mom and boyfriend go on one of the rides and leave the "friend" watching the little girl.  The man molests the little girl in the ten minutes he's alone with her and takes pictures of the incident with his cell phone.

I don't know how well the mother knew this guy, but I'm sure she felt safe leaving him to watch the baby in a very public place for a very short time.

How can we know who to trust and who not to trust?  If I had to go through parenthood again with a young child, I would choose to trust no one but my family and closest friends.  Its very sad that our children are so vulnerable but they are....

...teachers, day care workers, coaches, babysitters, neighbors, clergymen, doctors, nurses, relatives...

Sad, sad, sad.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I lack reading comprehension, but I wish there was a little more detail as to how this pig was caught. Who witnessed this vile incident? How did they refrain from beating his ass? it is very VERY sad indeed that nobody can be trusted and my heart goes out to the baby, the mother and even her bf. He has to feel like shit that he brought this "friend" around.


Anonymous said...

Edit: I only assumed the rapist was a friend of the bf and assumed nobody kicked his ass after finding the photos.


Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

I don't know if I would be able to resist beating him to a pulp, then again, I don't know if I should.