Thursday, January 28, 2010

One of the Top Ten Most Wanted in Orange Cournty - Captured

Thanks to DNA, Ali Achekzai, was caught all the way over in Austria on three rape charges that occurred here in Orange County. He also raped a woman over there, and undoubtedly has a long history of sexual crimes. I hope that if there are other victims, they feel safe to come forward.

Here is a link to a video on the arrest.


Anonymous said...

bravo to you barbara( aka layla) .. Those of you who are husband or boyriend to any woman who has been assaulted or done harm should also consider very strongly, supporting your woman to consider reporting to police...Men, you have a roll and an active one to play if it applies.. Support.. aka KAKI

Bar L. said...

Anon, thank you so much. You've inspired an idea for a post. I think I will write about men's reaction to when a female loved one has been raped. It can be a devastating experience for them.