Monday, November 9, 2009

Investigation Reveals that Rape is "Easy to Get Away With" and "Not Taken Seriously by Authorities"

Here is an eyeopening report.  I wish I could say it surprises me but it only confirms what I have been saying here all along.  The entire article is good and there some excellent links/videos also.  I feel like that voice crying out in the wilderness - no one hears me, and if they do they don't seem to care.  I am gearing up to do SOMETHING more than sit here and write about it.  Not sure what but I feel called to make a difference.  RAPE is not OKAY.
CBS NewsNearly 90,000 women reported they were raped in the United States last year. It's estimated another 75,000 rapes went unreported. But while rape convictions are up - a five month CBS News investigation raises questions about just how many rapists are actually being brought to justice.

Rape in this country is surprisingly easy to get away with. The arrest rate last year was just 25 percent - a fraction of the rate for murder - 79 percent, and aggravated assault - 51 percent.

"When we have talked to victims, they very much so doubt that it was worth it for them to go to the police," said Sarah Tofte, US Program Researcher for Human Rights Watch. "They're incredibly disillusioned with the criminal justice system, and that sends a terrible message."


Perplexio said...

It doesn't help that the media tends to put much more focus on the false claims than on the legitimate ones. Whether it's the Duke Lacrosse team or the Tawanna Bradley case these women who lie about being raped do a tremendous disservice to the hundreds of thousands of women who actually ARE raped each year.

Bar L. said...

Perplex, EXCELLENT point and I agree. I've written on that topic here in the past.