Unfortunately there is not cure for pedophilia. There isn't even a full agreement between the medical and law enforcement community if its a psychological problem or deviant sexual behavior. I think its both, but the fact that its AGAINST THE LAW makes it pretty obvious to me where pedophiles belong.
Once again a man who has been abusing children (three of his own daughters included) for many years, has had an opportunity to lure yet another victim into his demented world. He was coming through customs at LAX when they discovered photos of his naked 7 year old niece on his phone. Nice job, customs officers!
"Shoot was convicted in 1963 of assaulting a girl he met at church. He was also convicted of molesting two of his daughters, but received sentences of only one year and 18 months for assaulting them – one for more than a decade – according to the Department of Justice.
A third daughter told investigators during the latest investigation that Shoot assaulted her for years, but no criminal charges were ever filed, prosecutors said." Full story in the OCR.As long as we let pedophiles run free they will keep sexually abusing children and perpetuating the growing population of people who suffer from this kind of abuse. Sadly some of them turn into pedophiles themselves.
I don't have the answers but its only common sense that you don't allow someone like this Mr. Arthur Leroy Shoot character to have the freedom to continue on his merry way. Who knows how many victims he's left in his trail?
Of course I think castration is one way to stop this - medically induced or surgically....it may even get a few pedophiles and sexual offenders to think twice before acting on their "uncontrollable impulses".
I hope this guy never sees the light of day again....
There is NO way that insanity pleas are ever fair and lets hope they put a stop to them. there are way to many ways the court system is screwed up its like they are saying its okay but ITS NOT!
as you know if my case turns into an insanity plea for him im going to freak out!
Carrie, I will freak out too, lets hope it does NOT end like that. If so we will find some way to fight it.
I think pedophilia is a mix of psychology and neurology - studies have shown that people with psychopathic tendencies have few or no active neural pathways controlling emotion and remorse for one's actions. Pedophilia is probably an extension of this - making it a state of mind brought about by the makeup of one's brain. It in no way excuses their actions, make no mistake, but it shows that there really is little we can do for them.
I agree with your suggestion of castration... if they're going to act like animals they ought to be treated like animals and neutered. :)
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