In my opinion one of the worst types of offenders are the men (and women) in clergy. In their position of not only power, but of "spiritual direction" a child (or adult) can be left traumatized not only physically, emotionally and mentally - but spiritually as well.
I'd like to share a link to a blog called "Deep Thoughts". The writer of this blog may be bringing these stories to light for his own reasons, but the important thing is that we become aware to the point that we are not paranoid but careful.
Years ago I found out that my son's childhood Sunday School teacher was arrested for sexually abusing a child. No one at our church had any clue that this guy was a perv, he had a wife and son of his own. He appeared to be a nice guy. I wrote about him here.
So, remember, it happens not just in stories of others, but to us as well. I wish we didn't have to think about these things. I wish hating something made it go away. Unfortunately that doesn't work.
I've read Mojoey's blog for years and have been continually appalled and amazed by the number of cases of abuse committed by clergy of all denominations. It almost makes me wonder if these perverts are attracted to that profession because it makes it easier to find victims. They give good clergy a bad name, how sad.
Mike, you are right, some pedophiles do choose their careers specifically to meet their perversions.
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