It's happened again, to this precious 11 year old girl, Sarah Haley Foxwell.
And guess who did it?
Her aunt's convicted sex offender boyfriend.
Yep, I am infuriated once again. Another woman who is responsible for young children allows her boyfriend access to them without bothering to check their background. Her body was found on Christmas Day.
I hate to sound like an alarmist, but don't you think its better to spend two minutes online checking someone out and most likely discovering that they are NOT listed, than it is to risk the safety and well being of children in your care? Sex offenders look for women that have children, women that seem trusting and vulnerable. None of us should be trusting or vulnerable when it comes to protecting children.
If you start dating a new guy, you want to know all about him. If he has something to hide - he will hide it! Why not take two minutes to CHECK THE FRIGGING SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY! Chances are your guy is not on it - but what if he is?????
I always do and look what I found out:
The men I met were not there, but look who was:
My son's Sunday School Teacher! He was a convicted of
Offense Code | Description |
Since nothing in our justice system is going to change any time soon (hopefully I am wrong about that) then as parents or concerned citizens we need to do what we can do to keep children and women safe.
I ask you this: Have you checked your neighborhood? Your city? Do you know if the guy that lives two doors down with the pretty wife and cute little boys is a convicted rapist that got out cause it was his "first conviction"? If need to look!
Most men are GOOD people, but its important to weed out the one's who aren't.
Female sex offenders are rare, but they are out there too, found one of those in my town also.
seems like there are way to many sick perverts in the world its horrible that the time was taken to avoid losing this girls and other lifes...
It hurts to know that Sarah was killed by someone that was convicted. It hurts so desperately inside because I was sexually abused in my adolescents.
This morning I struggled because my abusers name was not in the registry when I checked. I was desperate. And it wasn't until I read your post about Sarah that I was able to put my desperation into words.
His name not being in the registry means that at this exact moment a parent could be running his name, their address and even though he's a sex offender it won't come up. And the parent, the adult would go about life and give my abuser the opportunity to reoffend, to hurt another girl. That's where my desperation comes from.
I would break if my abuser, if I found out he, ever touched another girl again. I would find him and the outcome would not be pretty.
I have long said, that as hard as being abused was. My abuser found some justice. He plead guilty and only served 85 days. Although his sentence sickens me, there was still justice. I was strong enough to protect the next girl.
I was strong enough to get through it and I would never want my pain not to be for naught. I can live with the pain if it means no other little girls ever gets hurt by him again. I don't know if I could live with it, if another girl got hurt by his hands.
I agree..check the people who are near your children out! It's not alarmist at's prevention..and those of us who have been molested in the past know it's often the last person people would expect...
Funny (not really) people will check out the history of a used car to ensure it hasn't been in an accident...but...well you know..
Blonde, yes, there are a lot of sick people out there and the sad thing is we don't know until they are caught. But in this case, there was no excuse, he should have been in jail...forever.
Sounds of Brokeness, PLEASE FORGIVE ME for not responding to your comment sooner. Somehow I missed all three of these comments! I am so sorry that you had to endure abuse and am very proud of how brave and selfless you were! You deserve the highest admiration for that, so many (including myself) did not have the courage. But why is he not in the register? If you want to email me I will do all I can to help pursue this so that he IS in there. 85 days is a sad sentence, it should be 85 years. I am so sorry.
Eva Marie, EXCELLENT POINT! I hope you don't mind if I use the used car analogy, its perfect for this situation. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
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