The woman (18 years old is really a teenager) that said she was raped by five men in a college dormitory restroom is now taking back the allegations. Story here.
This is very disturbing if its true, or if its not.
If its true - if she did make up the whole thing, then its a slap in the face to every real victim of rape that has to face the humiliating and terrifying act of reporting the crime and all that goes along with that (most rapes are not reported for this reason - that's why most rapists are not caught). Why would she do this? It makes no sense that she would consentually have sex with five men then turn around and report it as a rape. What would her motive be? What does she have to gain from that? Wouldn't she be risking retaliation from these guys? There names and faces have been linked with a brutal crime across the entire nation. Is she trying to get revenge on them? Did they pay her to do this? Why would she lie about this?
If its not true - if she was indeed raped and is now taking back her statement the question again is "Why?". Has she been threatened? Is she traumatized to the point that she doesn't want to be the center of a nationwide crime story that will affect the rest of her life? Has her family pressured her to drop the charges? Is it simply too overwhelming to deal with?
I want answers. I may never get them. This is very frustrating and disappointing. I want justice and at this point its hard to say who deserves it.
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