Friday, July 3, 2009

He Tried To Get Away but this SLIME was not Slippery Enough

Brandon Louis Whitaker
This Lake Forest resident has lots of CHILD PORN and tried to get away from police.  Thankfully he didn't.


Anonymous said...

But Brandon did get away; his own mom and dad baled him out 2 days latter, one of the little girls who he had pictures of is upset but still has high spirits that justice will be served.

Bar L. said...

Wow. Thanks for this updated info, sad as it is. I would guess his parents are most likely in denial that their kid could be so sick - OR - they have problems as well. Either way its very sad.

I hope the little girls can overcome the trauma and move as well balanced as possible under the circumstances.

Anonymous said...

brandon is a good friend of mine & should be innocent till proven guilty.

Bar L. said...

Anon #2,
You are right, he deserves a trial just like anyone else.