Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Brooke Bennett is found dead - Anyone surprised by that?

I wrote about Brooke Bennett on my other blog today.

She's a young girl (12) that has been missing and was found dead today, murdered by her uncle, a convicted sex offender.

What can be done to protect our children? My suggestion would be to castrate convicted pedophiles and if that doesn't work they could have their penis removed. Of course that may still not work because they can still do horrific things to a child without one.

I am sick of it.

They say we as parents need to teach our children to be aware, etc. etc. I agree, yet it saddens me that kids can't enjoy being kids. I don't know what the answer is.

I am a victim. My life is not horrible, but I have never had a healthy relationship with a man.

Its horrifying to wonder what the last hours of her life were like. Its easier to just push it out of one's mind. I wish I could be so lucky to just close my mind and not care.

I don't write here often - I appreciate the women and men who have dedicated their time to blogging/writing daily on these topics (see links). I read your blogs even if I don't comment.

Zemanta Pixie


Anonymous said...

I realize the government has it's problems and other issues to deal with but when are we going to do something about repeated sex offenders. barely any jail time because of course they're let out for good behavior. there are no children in prison! and even before probation is over they go back to the same actions and not getting caught right away of course. i see that there is a lack of prison space but we have ankle bracelets that give off any location a molester has been as well as medication to lower a mans libido so he no longer has the sexual urge to harm a child since that seems to be where the attraction is going. yet we can not force repeated sex offender to take these meds because it is considered "cruel and unusual punishment" but compared to what the victims went through and what they will continue to live with, no sexual drive for the rest of your life doesn't seem to cruel to me and i'm sure if the people had a vote we would pass any law to prevent these perverts from commiting the same crimes again and again

Bar L. said...

Isabel, thank you so much for this excellent comment. I agree with you and it frustrates me to tears that this issue is on the back burner instead of in the forefront! The ankle monitors are a great idea, I wish they would implement them more!