Monday, February 4, 2008

Helpless to Help

A friend of mine is trying to leave an abusive relationship. The thing is - you can't TRY to do anything, you have to do it or not do it. I am praying for her to leave because her boyfriend has all of the signs.


Rahime said...

I hope she follows through with it.

Bar L. said...

Rahime, me too. So far, not today...

Don said...

Interesting list. I'm pleased to say that nothing on it spoke to me. Some of them apply sometimes, depending on my mood. But none of them go "aha".

Anyway. It takes tremendous strength to leave such a relationship. Oftentimes it's strength that, if they had it, they wouldn't be in the relationship in the first place. So it requires personal growth in an environment that discourages it. Too often only a last-straw sort of event -- very dangerous -- will flip the trigger once and for all. Here I go as if I know anything you or anyone else doesn't.