Sunday, January 27, 2008

Endless Cycle

Lacey left a comment sharing about her cousin was molested by a priest as a child and how it ruined his entire life.

I wish she was exaggerating. I wish her comment was shocking.

But its neither, its common and its rampant.

In the case of Lacey's cousin it sounds as if he turned to alcohol and homosexuality and died of liver disease at the age of 39.

In many cases, male victims become the next generation of offenders. Then there are minority of boys and girls who grow up to live healthy lives.

Will the cycle ever end? That's one reason for this blog. The more people talk about these horrible subjects the more aware they are....and perhaps they can save the children that they know from becoming victims. That's the only hope I see

less victims now = less predators in the future


Anonymous said...

My understanding is that children who are molested are no more likely to molest than the average person, although obviously some do. They are a lot more like to have problems like alcoholism, drug abuse and mental health problems, like eating disorders, however. They are more likely to have rage issues. Molesters who are caught frequently claim they were molested as children, but one researcher believes they simply say this for sympathy and to get their sentence reduced.

Bar L. said...

Mariam, that's interesting and makes sense to me. I am reporting what I am learning - but that doesn't mean its all correct info! I appreciate your input, it helps put a broader perspective on things.

I know a woman who was repeatedly raped by her father for years and grew up without any major issues...really a miracle.

Your comment makes me want to research this further, thanks for sharing.