Occasionally someone questions why I have a blog on this topic. Why do I link to all the vile and disturbing stories in the news (trust me, I only refer to a tiny handful of all the horrible acts that occur daily)?
What is the point? Why bother having this blog at all?
Here's why - because it helps people. I am honored and humbled that my words have made a difference.
I like to think this blog serves several purposes;
Its a place for victims to find out they are not alone. They can leave comments or email me (the most common way I hear from people).
Its a place for loved ones of victims to read about the effects of rape/sexual abuse.
And its a place that WARNS PARENTS and others about the many predators out there looking for victims.
Its not a pleasant thing to write about. I get angry, I cry, I feel helpless to stop the cycle. So I do what I can.
I have two passions in my life, this is one, the other deals with heroin addiction and recovery. I spend a lot of time writing on the blog related to that because its what touches my life daily (my son). But I am re-committing to writing here more often and to making this a better blog by adding new information such as:
1. How to investigate the adults in your children's lives (coaches, teachers, etc.) I am taking a class in July that will show me how to get beyond the simple search of a sexual offender registry and find more info. I will share what I learn here.
2. Same as above for women who want to check out men they are dating or intend to date
3. A more interactive way to connect (not sure what this will look like yet)
4. Topics more organized in a way that makes them easier to find
Any suggestions you have would be very welcome and appreciated.