Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Severity of Crimes Escalate for Most Sexual Deviants

When is our judicial system going to recognize that most murderer/rapists started out committing lesser crimes which typically escalate over time? Time and time again we slap the wrists of someone who has committed a sexual assault, give them their freedom and allow them to create more victims. This precious little girl would be alive today if this guy would have not been allowed the freedom to abduct, rape and kill her:

(photos not uploading will add later)

Michelle Sigona wrote about it on her blog a few days ago, check here for details.

For a very shocking story that also illustrates this point, check here, but please be warned its very graphic and disturbing to read what these ten year old boys did to a two year old boy.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Coach Convicted

I apologize for sounding like a broken record but I won't stop saying this as long as it keeps happening:


Coaches, teachers, clergy, doctors --- it doesn't matter.  If you don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the person is safe, why risk your child being molested, or worse?  

I agree, its horrible to have to live with our child's safety a constant concern.  It should NOT be this way.  We should NOT have to live in fear.  But sadly, that's the way it has to be if we want to protect our kids.  

Predators choose occupations and situations that allow them to be NEAR CHILDREN and gain the trust of their parents.  Red flags should go off if your child's coach, teacher, etc. shows ANY interest in your child. 

To me, this sad case is the classic example.  When will parents "get it"? I guess I am just cynical or better educated on the topic but this would have made me very suspicious.  How often do we have to read these stories to have it sink in? 
"Baca would "groom" his victims first befriending their parents, dropping by their homes unannounced, giving the boys gifts – including sports cards — and ultimately showing them pornography."

From the OC Register:

Cameron Joseph Baca, 29, of San Clemente, was found guilty of nine counts of lewd acts with a minor, four counts of showing pornography to a minor, one count of attempted lewd act on a child under 14, and possession of child pornography.
Article Tab : Cameron Joseph Baca booking photo
Cameron Joseph Baca booking photo

He now faces a potential life term in state prison at his Sept. 17 sentencing by Judge David A. Thompson.
Baca met his victims — two 11-year-old boys and a 12-year-old boy — between January 2006 and December 2008 while coaching them on football, lacrosse and basketball teams in San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente and Dana Point.
Deputy District Attorney Heather Brown told the jury that Baca would "groom" his victims first befriending their parents, dropping by their homes unannounced, giving the boys gifts – including sports cards — and ultimately showing them pornography.
The parents of one boy, who had severed ties with Baca after becoming suspicious of the amount of time Baca was spending with their son, contacted law enforcement in December 2008 after the boy disclosed the alleged molestation, prosecutors said.
Subsequent investigation by the Orange County Sheriff's Department turned up other boys, prosecutors said.
Baca admitted in his testimony that he molested one victim, but denied sexual contact with the others.
But Brown argued that testimony was Baca's attempt to avoid convictions for molesting multiple victims, sentencing enhancements which call for a life sentence.
Brown also argued that Baca's collection of child pornography on his computer (more than 2,000 images and 500 videos) demonstrated a predilection for molesting young boys.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Teen Girl Raped at Pool, Left to Drown

At least that's how I read this story!  The two brothers that raped this girl should also be held responsible for leaving her unconscious in a pool.  She is lucky someone saw her and pulled her out in time.

Please young ladies - do not get so drunk or so high that you allow yourselves to be 100% vulnerable.  Do not go drinking or drugging alone with males, even if you think they are "friends".

Here is the full story.

This happened in Huntington Beach not far from where I work.  It happened in the MORNING in daylight.  I guess its a blessing in disguise that she doesn't even remember the sexual assault....ugh.